Unable to run because this would exceed your site license limit. Unable to run because this site license version of MacBreadboard has been altered. There is not enough memory available for MacBreadboard to continue to run. There was a problem quitting MacBreadboard. Please restart your computer. Unable to save to a locked volume. The number of cycles must be between 0 and 10,000. Please enter the number again. This is an old ßeta version of MacBreadboard, and CAN no longer be used. This is an old ßeta version of MacBreadboard, and should no longer be used. Unable to run because a copy of this software with the same serial number is already running! There is a chip on the breadboard which is not supported by this version of MacBreadboard. The OUTPUT pin of a chip is connected to one of the Trainer's inputs. MacBreadboard does not recognize a chip used in this simulation. The simulation cannot continue. Check Vcc and Gnd conections on the currently selected chip. There is a feedback loop which produces an oscillation that cannot be simulated by version 1.0 of MacBreadboard. Check for shorted outputs. Check for shorted inputs. NUbadWireInfo Unable to run because the serial number is invalid! lastWarning20 warn19 Unable to save because the disk is full. Internal error #2. Please quit now and report the error. Internal error #1. Please quit now and report the error. MacBreadboard requires 32-Bit QuickDraw to run in Color or Gray-scale. There is not enough memory available to run in color. That is not a valid Serial Number. Please, refer to your Users Guide. This DEMO version allows only ONE chip to be placed on the breadboard at a time. This circuit contains a chip which is NOT defined in your version of MacBreadboard! (It will be left out of the circuit) There is not enough memory available to complete the last operation. There is not enough room on the breadboard for that chip. That feature is not available in this DEMO version. This circuit was created on a different style of breadboard. You may have to relocate some of the chips and wires to match the layout of the present breadboard. There was a problem saving the file. For best results with ImageWriters, check the 'Tall Adjusted' option. Timing Diagrams for one or more 'round' LEDs may be misleading because a reference other that +5 or ground was used. That's the longest wire available. Use two wires for longer lengths. NUThe speaker may not work properly under A/UX. There are no more wires available!